Friday, February 22, 2013

Getting Ready....Pre-Week #1

Today it began.

I did it.

I shared the letter with my students introducing the 1:1 iPad classroom we were becoming.  Excitement filled the classroom. Question after question came from their mouths and it all became real to me.

Parent Letter
This was really happening.

So as eager students go home to share with their parents the news of this fantastic opportunity I plan and prepare the technology.

My Fancy TO DO List
With a week left to prepare for the big hand out I am...
  • Assigning students to iPads
  • Labeling iPads with students names
  • Making sure all the iPads have the apps I want on them...I am starting with Dropbox, Goodreader, Edmodo, a whiteboard app, Google app and Paperport Notes
  • Making sure each student has the necessary accounts
  • Preparing a file with most used PDFs ready to be shared with each student's Dropbox
In between preparing the iPads and having excited students eagerly return their technology agreements I am also running though my daily schedule trying to predict and anticipate any glitches I need to prepare for.


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